Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hot Town Summer In The City

We are living through the Hot, Hazy, Humid and Hannah days of summer. Not that you haven't noticed. We're trying to stay as cool as possible in the greater air-conditioned indoors, but sometimes a young girl needs to be outside and playing. 

Hannah and I enjoyed an afternoon at St. Catherine's Park, a local playground by us, with Grandma and Grandpa. Hannah got to show them her adorable walking skills as she sashayed through the sprinklers. Of course, what would a summer afternoon be without sidewalk chalk and swings. We ended the day with a real treat - chocolate peanut butter ice cream. Yummy!

Thankfully the fourth heat wave of the summer is supposed to end today and we can soon venture out and enjoy more of the outdoors.

1 comment:

  1. Let's not forget the pick up basketball game that Hannah tried to be a part of.

    Me and Hannah down by the school yard.
